Cannabinoid knowledge and resources space
Sports Recovery
Sports Recovery
The human body requires a certain amount of physical activity to maintain good health and wellbeing. Staying active is associated with better mental health and can help delay the onset of chronic cond . . .
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Benefits and dosing
Benefits and dosing
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural substance that has a broad-spectrum of potential therapeutic uses.
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Endocannabinoid system
Endocannabinoid system
The ECS (also known as the endocannabinoid system) is a biological system present in all vertebrates.
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Short history of cannabinoids
Short history of cannabinoids
The medicinal and psychoactive properties of cannabis have been documented since at least the second millennium BC when the plant was used by cultures stretching from the Middle East to China.
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What is cannabidiol?
What is cannabidiol?
CBD is a substance that is extracted directly from hemp. However, not every plant in this family has the same characteristics.
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